Newsletter | One time, at band camp …

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October 2021 – Do you know that feeling when you haven’t done this thing for a long time, and you can’t even really remember why you stopped doing that thing, and then you do it for the first time in a long time, and you have an awesome time, and you think to yourself ‘I should do this more often’?

This is how our team felt on September 11th when we had the privilege to finally get out there and produce a live, in-person event.

To be fair, we did produce this same outdoor, in-person event last September, but this one felt different. Last year, we were challenged to navigate all the COVID protocols and keep people safe with the threat of an Ontario lockdown looming. I wrote a blog about it.

This time around it was less stress and more PURE JOY! Being on the ground, decked out in new fits, and doing what we do best (and what we love) was simply awesome. The summer-like weather, and post-event gelato (and later beer) didn’t hurt either.

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I have a feeling this particular day is going to be one of those event stories that I tell when I am old. The kind of story that no one but me really cares about or fully gets the significance of (kinda like that one time, at band camp ….).

Happy Fall!
