Newsletter | New Year. Who ‘dis?

January 2020 – The calendar has rolled over and many of us have breathed a sigh of relief that 2020 is done and done.


Although the last 10-12 months felt like a dream or a bizarre movie plot, I am one of the few people who feel that 2020 was NOT a total write-off. I have many things to be thankful for in 2020 …. things that would never have blessed my personal or professional life if not for the pandemic.


At iSPARK, we said good-bye to a few team members, but we also gained some new ones. We said ‘ta ta for now’ to most live in-person events that were on the docket in 2020, but we also added virtual event production to our list of available services.


We cancelled, postponed, planned and unplanned, did and undid so many marketing, sponsorship and event programs that we lost track of what’s what. There were days when I felt like I was starring in the 2020 re-make of Groundhog Day.


Through it all, my team kept smiling! We laughed and giggled our way through it. We swore a lot, made jokes, and took bets on what next!? Most importantly we embraced the need to learn new skills, and as a result, we kept working.


I am so incredibly proud of how this crew handled 2020 that I turned all of their headshots into cartoons and gave everyone a day off to go skiing!


In 2021, we are here for you. To support, guide, coach or train, plan, strategize, or execute. Whatever you need, do not hesitate to reach out. We’re still sport-inspired and business driven. In fact, we’re more motivated than ever to tackle new projects and to help our clients stand out, connect, inspire and lead.


To learn more about our new virtual event production services, check out this month’s blog and grab your copy of our free Virtual Event Production Tips Sheet.