Newsletter | Doom & Gloom vs. Sh*ts and Giggles

May 2020 – I don’t know about you, but I am feeling a little worn down with all the work from home tips, at home workout suggestions, and baking photos.

If I hear ‘we’re all in this together’ or ‘this too shall pass’ one more time I might scream.

There is no question that this whole COVID thing sucks. I’m over it.

I understand that this has been much harder for some people compared to others. If you’ve been sick, know someone who has been sick, are confined at home with family members or roommates who are driving you crazy, are laid off, are struggling with homeschooling, or have been subjected to an interrogation as you enter the pharmacy, your experience over the last 6-7 weeks has probably been way worse than mine.

At iSPARK, we’re still operational. In fact, we’ve recently hired three new team members. Everyone is safe and enthusiastically working away at home (we’ve been virtual for 20 years so this is our happy place). Greg’s dog Roscoe is quite delighted with this arrangement.

Yes, like you, we’re concerned about when live events will come back. We’re stressing over the lack of sport in our lives, and we’re wondering if some of our long-time colleagues in the industry may fade away and disappear.

How to cope with all of these crazy thoughts!? I’ve been meditating like crazy. Headspace is my new best friend.

The other thing that has kept me sane (and feeling uplifted) is connecting with people. Every week I create a list of 3-4 friends and colleagues that I don’t see or talk to regularly, and I reach out. Some of these phone conversations last over 2 hours!

I’ve heard about how my friend Wendy survived floating around the ocean for 3+ weeks on a contaminated cruise ship.

My university friend, D’Arcy, filled me in on how he successfully refereed a stand-off over toilet paper in his local grocery store. He had me roaring until tears ran down my face.

My retired friend Rick told me how he’s been woodworking like crazy and donating cutting boards and urns to his local church for their annual bazaar. Plus, he figured out Zoom.

I’m running out of people to chat with in the evenings, so this is my open call to encourage you to connect with me! If we haven’t talked in a while and you’re up for a chat, let’s do it. Priority will be given to anyone with less doom and gloom to share and those who are up for some sh*ts and giggles.

Hang in there everyone … because …. wait for it ….. THIS TOO SHALL PASS.