August 2020 – My first office was in the unfinished basement of my bungalow with a cheap Ikea desk and an uncomfortable baby blue chair. The phone had a cord. A CORD!!
This was August of 2000 – about one month before the Sydney Olympic Games. I had just quit my safe (but less than stimulating) full-time job in marketing and events for a national sport organization to start my own firm. The company had no name, but it did have two clients (and a fax machine). Sounds crazy, right?
As you’ve likely figured out, we eventually got a name, the office set-up got a little more stylish, technology improved, and I slowly hired a team of subject matter experts. The firm swiftly started to transform events, sponsorship, marketing, and sport tourism initiatives with creative genius and flawless execution.
Who knew that 20 years later, I would be sending you this email highlighting our 20th anniversary!?
I have fond memories of that blue chair and the Ikea desk, and, I’m quite frankly still in awe that my little adventure in entrepreneurship back in August of 2000 turned into something that I am so proud of (and honestly love).
Thanks for being part of my journey – as a client, as a colleague or as a friend.
Here’s to 20 more years (yeah right ……?).